Liver fluke infestation has been a serious qoute in the wetter western areas in the Uk for years. recent introduction of infested sheep into the eastern areas of the country has increased the amount of sheep affected by this condition in those parts as well. Liver flukes can influence the output and potential of wool. It can also lead to reduced lambing percentages and poor increase rate of lambs.
Liver flukes scientifically known as Fasciola Hepatica live in the bile ducts and create eggs that are passed in the faeces. The eggs detach from the faeces in wet areas and hatch in favourable conditions. The larvae assault the lymnaeid snails, organize and multiply as sporocyst and cercariae. The cercariae leave the snails and swim until they become enclosed on vegetation. They become metacercariae there, which are the infective stage of the fluke. If ingested by sheep, the metacercariae enter into the small intestine and issue teenage flukes, which lanch the intestinal walls and enter the abdominal cavity.
The young fluke break into the liver capsule and migrate straight through the liver tissues for 6 to 7 weeks and enter the bile ducts to become adult fluke. The flukes start producing eggs after reaching sexual maturity. Adult flukes can survive for years in the livers of infected sheep. One singular fluke lays 20,000 to 50,000 eggs per day for a long period.
Liver fluke causes Fascioliasis and sheep and cattle are prone to this disease. Sheep are more susceptible to liver flukes than cattle. Sheep suffering from acute Fascioliasis may not show any symptoms, while some may display discomfort, abdominal pain and may even organize jaundice. Sub-acute Fascioliasis is characterised by ill thrift, anaemia and jaundice. The migrating fluke can cause unabridged tissue damage and liver damage. This in turn causes anaemia, liver damage and death in 8 to 10 weeks. Persisting Fascioliasis can conduce to bile duct obstruction, hepatic fibrosis, anaemia and liver tissue destruction.
The best medicine to control liver flukes is to give medication to the sheep. Closamectin explication is one of the efficient medications that help treat flukes and nematodes. The medicine should be injected into the infected sheep. It is a unique blend of closantel and ivermectin, which gives a wide range of efficiency against most of the prominent stages of internal as well as external parasites in sheep. Closamectin injection for sheep is approved in the Uk and other European countries. It offers an efficient medicine for adult and late teenage flukes and external parasites.
Fasimec Duo is an additional one effectual parasiticide to treat and control liver fluke and lungworms in sheep that are aged above three months. However, it is not recommended for animals that produce milk for human consumption.
Combinex is an efficient drug to treat and control fasciolis in sheep. If used at the recommended dosage rate, it is efficient against mature and developing stages of worms. It is also efficient against all stages of Fasciola hepatica, fluctuating from two day old early teenage flukes to adult flukes. Hence, it helps treat acute and Persisting Fascioliasis. Combinex is given as an oral drench. It is ideal for use straight through varied types of automatic drenching guns. You can administer it safely to young and even pregnant sheep. One ml dosage is recommended per 5 kg of bodyweight of the sheep. Meat can be taken 56 days after administering the medication.
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