Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Most base Types of Flatfish

Most flatfish are very unusual looking and a lot of flatfish species are very tasty. Flatfish such as Dover sole, plaice and halibut are often found on cafeteria menus and these fish can be cooked in discrete ways. You can often buy fresh flatfish from fishmongers and there are separate fish recipes that you can use them in.

Plaice is a very tasty flatfish. It has a delicate flavor and soft flesh. You can identify plaice by the orange spots on the top. You can get plaice in fillets or whole all year round. Grill, poach, or fry plaice but bear in mind it will be ready in about four minutes total because it cooks honestly fast.


Flounders are someone else good selection if you are looking for a tasty fish. The European flounder, which is known as the fluke, does not have a particularly good flavor, so look out for summer or winter flounder instead. These come whole or filleted. You can substitute a thin flounder for sole or a thick one for turbot.

Turbot and Halibut

Turbot is a breathtaking fish. It is not cheap but the flesh is firm and tasty. When shopping for this fish, remember that the flesh of a turbot turns blue when the fish is stale. This fish is ready all year round in fillets or steaks, as well as whole, and you can grill or poach it. A hollandaise or parsley sauce is especially mouthwatering with turbot.

Halibut is like turbot in some ways. Both of these flatfish can grow to six feet in length and they are ready throughout the year. You can buy halibut cutlets, steaks, or fillets. Freezing halibut is potential but the texture will not be so nice when it is thawed out.

Dover Sole and Lemon Sole

Dover sole has a firm and lightly textured flesh and a delicate flavor. It is ready all year round in Europe and you can buy fillets or whole sole. Keep the head and bones for production fish stock. Sole is great fried or grilled. You can also serve it "a la meuniere," which means with a browned butter, lemon juice and parsley sauce.

Lemon sole is a strange name for the fish it describes because it does not taste of lemon and it is not technically a sole either! Lemon sole is a type of plaice. Cook it like you would cook Dover sole. You can get lemon sole in fillets or whole.

Other flatfish worth trying contain dab, brill, witch, and megrim. Brill tastes quite nice but the others are quite bland. If you are looking for a cheap fish though, to add to a soup or stew, one of these would work.

Dab can be crumbled and fried or grilled. Brill can be cooked like turbot, halibut, or sole. Megrim is good for production fish soup recipes or you can coat it in breadcrumbs and fry it. Witch can be cooked like sole but because it is rather bland, it will wish more seasoning.

The Most base Types of Flatfish

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