Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Luck of the Irish or a indubitably Bad Proposal?

St. Patrick's Day has a whole new meaning for me now. I'm not sure if it's authentically the luck of the Irish or just a fluke, but this is the day that Donald proposed to me twice! I know what you are thinking, "Twice? He had to ask you twice?" but my riposte to you is Heck No, he asked me Three times before he was finished! Let me tell you, he may have needed to warm up the first time for fear of rejection, but by the final proposal, I was like silly putty.

I remember this morning as clear as the day we were married. He was acting in such a strange manner, that when he asked me to marry him, I thought he was joking. I disregarded him until we met for lunch and he looked at me very seriously and asked the second time! He then apologized for proposing before he had the engagement ring.


We went across the road to the jewelry store (how convenient!) to look at rings. I told him I didn't see anything I authentically wanted, but I kept finding at a single band that had a hideous knot on it. I mentioned to the sales woman that the band would be striking if it had a single large princess cut solitaire on it. Naturally, she agreed.

A few weeks later, Donald took me to dinner. After we had ordered, I left the table for a visit to the lady's room. When I came back, Donald was wearing the well-known serious face again. As I sat down, he asked me to marry him for the third time. I looked at him and said, "I already said yes, silly!" and with shaking hands, he settled a small white box in front of me. It seemed as if the entire restaurant was watching and waiting in anticipation. As I determined opened the box, the gorgeous wedding band with the princess cut solitaire that I had created in my mind and mentioned to the sales woman appeared! I could not believe this man had authentically gone back and had the ring convention made with the princess stone of my choice.

It appears the legend is true about the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I suppose the gold is something dissimilar for everyone, but those seeking actual gold shall never find it. I'm glad Donald was waiting at the end of my rainbow and that I was smart enough to know he's the true treasure.

Luck of the Irish or a indubitably Bad Proposal?

Friends Link : rockwellrk 9000 jawhorse

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