When Bobby Fluke inherited his father's business, he decided the firm needed a good tag line. But what can you do with Fluke Transportation?
As it turns out, a lot.
Tag lines are an extremely sufficient means of promoting recognition of your product or service. "Melt in your mouth, not in your hand." "Just do it." "The quicker picker-upper." "You deserve a break today." For most people, these phrases are synonymous with their brands: M&Ms, Nike, Bounty, and McDonald's.
There are four elements to a good tag line:
It should be short. It should say something exact about your firm or product. It should stick in the customer's mind. It should be used in every aspect of your communal communications. One of the most common mistakes is to create a tag line so abstract it could apply to approximately anything. Consider the following real examples for companies in vastly distinct industries:
"Create. Organize. Share. Connect." "Experience. Share. Connect." "Connect. Share. Live." "Create. Share. Connect." One of them is for a firm that deals with maps -- can you tell which? Not that it matters: the word strings are so random that nobody's ever going to remember them.
But production a coherent tag line isn't enough: it must also resonate with your product or service. "The quicker picker-upper" makes sense for a paper towel that gets rid of spills quickly, and an athletic shoe, by its very nature, is urging the wearer to "just do it."
Another base mistake is to make unwarranted and exaggerated claims. You don't call yourself the "best," "greatest," "unsurpassed," or "pre-eminent" without solid proof to back it up. Budweiser began billing themselves as the "King of Beers" only after capturing more than 50% of the American beer market.
Yes, there are many possible mistakes in creating a tag line, and there are many companies production them; but that means if you do it right, you've put yourself head-and-shoulders above the competition. Creating an effective, memorable tag line can be a daunting task. But here are five steps towards production it easier.
1) Brainstorm
What does your firm do? What do you want population to remember about you? Other businesses are doing exactly the same thing you're doing: what makes you different? Don't forget to listen to your repeat customers: they're the ones who know why they keep arrival back to you.
2) Clarify
Take the best, most exact ideas you've come up with and try turning them into slogans of ten words or less. If a pun suggests itself, play colse to with it; but remember -- even the best pun can get old pretty fast. Or maybe you can hitch a ride with an expression already in base use. Behr paints used something we all learned in grade school -- the conjugation of superlatives, "good, better, best" -- to create a clever, and of course remembered tag line spotlighting their credit for excellence: "Good - best - Behr."
3) Test
Once you have two or three tag lines that seem to work, try them out on friends, family, and customers. See which gets the best reaction, then refine it. After that, refine it some more.
4) Use it
Once you have your tag line, use it. Put it on your stationary, your vehicles, your website, and of course, your advertisements. (But not your telephone greetings: population calling your firm are looking for service, not commercials.)
5) Stick with it
Switching tag lines every join of months is not an sufficient branding technique. exact campaigns may want exact tag lines, but for the core brand, your catchword should be virtually inviolate. Admittedly, sometimes turn is necessary, but it should never be done because you or your advertising group has grown bored. And if you need inspiration, just remember Bobby Fluke. Bobby had no training in marketing, lacked taste in Pr, and was saddled with the name Fluke; yet despite these handicaps, he created one of the best tag lines in trucking history: "If it's on time, it's a Fluke." Now go ahead -- I dare you to forget that one.
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