Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Women and Self Esteem - A Smart Woman is a remarkable Woman - 3 "Smart Woman" Virtues

We all know a woman who truly exudes 'smarts and personal power." How does she do it? Is it a fluke? Can whatever be 'woman smart and powerful'? Is there a recipe? Does she just read a lot?

It takes much more than mere brain or education to be a smart woman with personal power. Woman Smarts means having it together in many aspects of life. And that is not a fluke. It is a aware life style and yes, any woman can be a Smart and noteworthy Woman if she wants.


Here are 3 of the many Smart Woman Virtues. Lets talk about Personal Power.

1. A Smart Woman knows she has the power to create her life the way she wants. She understands that she is fully responsible for the direction of her life. She is in touch with her authentic self and is willing to step into the center of her potential. She is the masterpiece of her own creation.

She knows to resolve unfinished company from her past, so as to free herself from the bondage of negative energy. She is clarification focused. She doesn't focus on problems.

She understands that the ability of her thoughts creates her reality and she is committed to inescapable living. Either intentionally or not, she understands the improbable power of the Law of Attraction.

She lives her life in a spirit of free choice. She knows that each option she makes will Either take her closer to or supplementary away from her desires. She thinks before she chooses.

2. A Smart Woman doesn't rely on other people or surface circumstances for her self esteem or to get her needs met. She is resolving or has resolved any co-dependent conditioning from the past. She knows that she is faultless unto herself. She is in her relationships by option rather than need.

She is deeply connected to her personal Higher Power and gets her impel from that relationship. She knows her self-esteem comes from within and from her divine relationship to Spirit.

She understands that nothing or no one is served by pretending to Either bigger or smaller than she is. She is 'right-sized'. She knows what she knows, feels what she feels and thinks what she thinks.

3. A Smart and noteworthy woman takes care of herself. She knows that she is a 'whole-istic' being and as such she needs to tend to all aspects of herself.

She feeds her mind nutritious, inescapable and empowering thoughts. She is a life-long learner. She remains open to new ideas and loves to strengthen her horizons.

She treats her body with loving care, fully appreciating the need for meticulous food choices, and quarterly exercise as foundations to longevity and well-being.

She lovingly tends to her Spirit as part of her daily wellness. Having a aware relationship with her personal Higher Power grounds and centers her.

She nurtures her emotions, by reaching for maturity and expansion. She is willing to do her inner work because she knows that her relaxation is directly connected to her emotional health.

Epilogue Being a Smart Woman with personal power is ready to all women. All you have to do is create your vision, catalogue where you are right now so you can make smart and noteworthy choices about what to keep and what to let go of, and step into it.

It truly is that simple. Get help if you need it. There are many helping hands along the way.


Women and Self Esteem - A Smart Woman is a remarkable Woman - 3 "Smart Woman" Virtues

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