Friday, December 30, 2011

Ten Foods Your Dog Should Never Eat

As a dog owner, we all want what's best for our dog. With the latest reports about the permissible diet for your dog, they should have carbohydrates, vegtables, etc., more and more dog owners are giving their dog table scraps without realizing that there are positive foods a dog should never have. Before you put your left-overs in your dog's bowl be sure to read the top ten foods they shouldn't eat.

1. Chocolate - To dogs, chocolate acts as a stimulant, production your dog's heartbeat accelerate or beat irregularly, leading to seizures and even cardiac arrest. To mixture things further, it also acts as a severe diuretic, causing frequent urination, vomiting, and/or diarrhea. If you even reason your dog has consumed chocolate, take him to an animal hospital immediately.


2. Grapes and Raisins - Grapes and raisins generate havoc with your dog's kidneys and digestive system. What's worse is that the estimate of grapes needed to cause problems can vary greatly among private dogs. Symptoms include frequent urination, vomiting, and diarrhea.

3. Onions - Onions cause the breakdown of a dog's red blood cells, which deprives his cells of much-needed oxygen. If you're in the habit of feeding your dog table scraps, make sure the dish was not ready with onions, as the effects can be cumulative over a period of time. Symptoms can vary greatly, fluctuating from vomiting and diarrhea to loss of appetite, fever, or exhaustion.

4. Macadamia Nuts - While the exact chemical mixture is still unknown, even a small estimate of macadamia nuts can cause fever, irregular heartbeat, seizures, or mild paralysis.

5. Alcoholic Beverages - Dogs' physiologies are not qualified to handle alcohol consumption. They are highly susceptible to alcohol poisoning, and even small amounts can lead to digestive problems or even death.

6. Bread Dough - Because it is soft, dogs will often swallow the dough without chewing it. When the dough hits your dog's stomach, his body heat will cause the dough to rise inside his stomach. This rising activity can cause bloating or vomiting. To mixture things further, the rising activity creates alcohol as a by-product, and your dog may caress the symptoms listed in the former paragraph.

7. Caffeinated Beverages - Similar to the effects of chocolate, caffeine is a stimulant and can negatively impact your dog's heart rate, causing seizures or heart attacks.

8. Avocadoes- Avocadoes are toxic to many animals. The nasty chemical damages heart, lung, and other vital tissues. Be aware since guacamole's main ingredient is avocado, that you keep any such dips well out of your dog's reach.

9. Pitted Fruits - (Peaches, Pears, Cherries, and Apricots) The pits of these fruits include small doses of cyanide, which can be fatal to smaller dogs. Also, if the pit is swallowed whole, it may come to be lodged in the intestinal tract, where the blockage will have to be surgically removed.

10. Raw Fish - Raw fish, especially salmon, can include parasites, usually fluke larvae. The dog consumes the fish, and the larvae hatch in your dog's digestive tract, attaching themselves to his intestinal walls. Symptoms can take up to a week to exhibit and usually mimic other canine diseases, such as distemper or parvovirus. The hazard here is misdiagnosis by the veterinarian, leading to an improper or ineffective treatment. If you select to feed your dog fish, be sure to cook it thoroughly to kill any bad critters that could be hiding inside.

This is of vital data for your dog care. If you want your dog to have the permissible diet, take a small estimate of what your production before you add the onions and the extra spices and make him up his own tiny plate and add it with his dog food.

Remember a good dog is a happy and healthy dog.

Ten Foods Your Dog Should Never Eat

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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Gain Weight Fast With These Ten grand Tips! Part -2

By the time you finish reading this you will have the basics down to eating to gain weight fast!

If You want to gain weight fast you have to eat right to gain weight! So here we will focus on this crucial yet misunderstood element to gain weight.


Gaining weight fast takes much more than just eating though. In following Parts of this course we will cover:

Lesson 2: Training To Gain Weight Fast

Lesson 3: Rest And Recuperation To Gain Weight

Lesson 4: Planning A disposition For Gaining Weight

Lesson 5: Supplements To Gain Weight

Lesson 6: Answers To Some ordinarily Asked Questions about Gaining Weight.

If you would like to receive all 6 parts of this Mini course to gain weight by email, you can go to here and sign up.


Each one of these jam packed lessons needs to be applied to your gain weight disposition if you truly want to gain weight as fast as you can!

Let's now continue with the rest of my Eating Tips To Gain Weight!

Gain Weight Tip-6: Eat "Power Meals" For Added vigor and To Gain Weight.

Power meals is the term I came up for a particular meal structure that if eaten at specified times during the day can boost your bodys abilty to Gain Weight.

A power meal is basically a meal which comprises of a quick digesting source of protein and particular vigor foods which also absorb swiftly and help to increase blood glycogen levels as fast as possible.

An example of this would be a potential whey protein powder blended with inescapable fruits.

Power meals are for these specified times only. Too many power meals will compromise construction lean muscle by increasing fat gain and lowering your sensitivity to insulin.

Gain Weight Tip-7: Eat Foods Your Body Requires For Optimal increase Hormone yield and Health.

To naturally produce hormones your body requires for gaining weight, specifically testosterone, you need to give it the construction blocks it requires.
Testosterone is made from cholestrol ( simplified).
To gain weight by construction muscle you need testosterone.
This is the main dissimilarity why males are more muscular than females.
It is because men have higher testosterone levels than females.
To give your body what it requires for optimal hormone yield you require the right fats in your gain weight diet.

Examples of these fats would include:

coconut oil

animal fats


Essential oils



Stay away from trans fats and hydrogenated fats!!

Gain Weight Tip-8: Eat sufficient Fibre

Fibre is not talked about much in relation to gaining weight but is leading for digestive ideas health and nutritional assimilation.
It is also leading to keep your digestive ideas interesting and assimilating as much nutrient as it can per day. Kind of like an assembly line! The more yield you can get out of your digestive ideas the more you can fuel your muscles for gaining weight!

Gain Weight Tip-9: Eat sufficient Protein Per Meal

It is crucial you get sufficient protein per day and spread it out throughout your day. Protein requirements have been exagerated for many years in the interests to sell more protein.

On the other hand protein requirements are without fail higher for a someone or athlete training to gain weight than for a lazy couch potato hunting for his next show with a remote control!
At least one gram per pound of lean body mass is required to build muscle to gain weight and up to 1.5 grams per pound of lean muscle mass is optimal for heavy intense weight training.

Gain Weight Tip-10: select Your Supplements Wisely.

There are lots of supplements to select from on the shop and 99% of them are inferior to natural food for construction muscle to gain weight. Natural food is higher in many naturally occuring vitamins and minerals benficial for muscle growth.
Stay away from weight gain powders. These are just empty calories not much different than most junk foods on the market.
Supplements that are worth trying are Creatine monohydrate , L Glutamine ( in moderation and carefully) and a good salutary protein powder without artificial sweeteners, colors and flavours( more on in a later lesson).

Gain Weight Bonus: Sample Meal Plan to Build Muscle:

As a itsybitsy bonus here is a sample muscle weight gain meal plan for 2092 calories per day on your weight training days:

Meal 1:

1 banana

1 cup oatmeal

Meal 2:

1 scoop whey protein

1tbsp Mct Oil*

(several tips and recipes are available in my book to add delicious flavor)

Meal 3:

4oz chx brst

1cup spinach

1tbsp Mct Oil*

Meal 4:

1cup icy strawberries

1 banana

1 kiwi

1 cup orange juice

2 scoops whey

Meal 5:

3 whole eggs

1 tbsp coconut oil

Meal 6:

1 scoop whey

1tbsp Mct Oil*

1/2 cup whole milk

Daily Totals: protein 166 grams/carbohydrates 144 grams/fats 84
grams/Calories 2092

Building muscle and gaining weight is no Fluke! You need to supervene the above eating tips to build muscle mass fast to gain weight and couple your eating with an productive and proven training and recuperation program.

God Bless!

Gain Weight Fast With These Ten grand Tips! Part -2

Tags : rockwell tools blog reviews video games Store

Monday, December 26, 2011

Friday, December 23, 2011

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Blood Diseases-Symptoms, Causes and medicine

Blood is the life-maintaining fluid that circulates straight through the heart, arteries, veins, and capillaries. Because the blood performs many and involved functions, there are many disorders related to blood that need clinical care by a physician or other condition care professional. These conditions include anemia, bleeding disorders, as well as cancers of the blood.

Certain factors may cause Blood Disorders, disorders that affect the cells in the blood (blood cells) or proteins in the blood clotting or immune systems. Laboratory tests of blood samples are recommended to diagnose and monitor blood diseases. Because the liquid quantum of the blood (plasma) carries so many substances necessary to the functioning of the body, blood tests can be used to find out what is happening in many parts of the body.


There are a number of Blood Disorders prevailing these days. Some of them are Anemia, Pernicious Anemia, Sepsis, Sickle Cell Anemia, Hypoglycemia, Iron insufficiency Anemia and Leukemia.

Different type of Blood Disorder shows dissimilar symptom. Symptoms of blood disorders are often vague and nonspecific, that is, they could indicate a disorder of practically any part of the body. However, although no singular indication of illness de facto indicates a blood disorder, inevitable groups of symptoms advise the possibility. Such groups of symptoms most ordinarily narrate to decrease in blood cells, such as a reduced number of red blood cells (anemia), a reduced number of white blood cells, a reduced number of platelets or increased numbers of blood cells.

Disorders of substances (factors) responsible for general blood clotting may result in insufficient blood clotting (manifesting as immoderate bruising or bleeding or as small red or purple spots on the skin) or in the formation of abnormal blood clots (producing warm, painful areas in the legs or sudden shortness of breath, chest pain, or both). These problems may arise because the body does not furnish enough of these factors, the factors are abnormal, or the body is using up the factors too quickly.

Doctors may prescribe dissimilar medicine options agreeing to the type and stage of Blood Disorder. A number of medicine options are being recommend like bone marrow transplant, stem cell transplant, Blood Transfusion, Chemotherapy etc.

When you think of a transplant, you may have an image of a major surgical procedure to replace a diseased organ. But stem cell transplants do not involve surgery. And the "organ" involved is bone marrow -- not a solid organ such as a liver.

A stem cell transplant is the infusion of salutary stem cells into your body. If all goes well, these salutary stem cells take hold in your body and begin general yield of blood cells.

Treatment becomes less involved if the disorder is diagnosed at an early stage.

Blood Diseases-Symptoms, Causes and medicine

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Monday, December 19, 2011

Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Meaning of Abnormal Ekg Results

Many physicians advise Ekgs as a preventive-screening tool for those with a house history of heart disease. While a wholesome man does not need an Ekg as a part of an every year exam, many physicians will advise an Ekg if they have concerns. If a outpatient complains of chest pain, palpitations or other indicators of heart problems, the physician will likely advise an immediate Ekg test. Depending on the severity of the situation, your physician may refer you to a local testing center immediately or ask you to agenda the next ready appointment.

An abnormal Ekg is determined by comparing the results of your Ekg graph with a suitable or general heart graph. Spikes and dips within the graph are referred to as P, Qr and Pr and other similar acronyms. general Ekg readings show a minute flat-dip in in the middle of contractions and relaxations. If these flat-dips are not present, it may be an indication of a more serious problem. general Ekg readings will have spikes and dips too.


Myocardial defects, heart valve disease, enlargement of the heart, inflammation of the heart, coronary artery disease, and past, pending or impending heart attacks are only a few of the problems that Ekg's can help to detect. The conditions in which the Ekg is performed can also have an impact on the accuracy of the results. Some heart problems are not present all of the time and therefore may not appear in Ekg results. In cases where heart problems are suspected but not detected on the Ekg, a Holter monitor may be recommended. This monitor is worn, usually for a duration of 24 to 48 hours and serves as a type of mini-Ekg test. The outpatient wears the monitor at home and it continuously records heart activity. Doctors also advise that the outpatient be relaxed during the exam because any muscle trembling or contractions can alter the results and furnish an inaccurate reading.

Many people are surprised to learn that they have had an abnormal Ekg reading. What is even more surprising is that when presented with abnormal Ekg results, some doctors do not seem concerned. It doe not necessarily mean they are inadequate or uncaring physicians, it is more likely they believe something else has caused the abnormal reading. Most will want to pursue additional testing or another Ekg. Sometimes an event as simple as low blood sugar can have an altering work on and furnish false Ekg readings. Other times, abnormal Ekgs wish additional testing to resolve what, if any, problems positively exist.

The Meaning of Abnormal Ekg Results

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Sunday, December 11, 2011

The End of the World - Will it Happen in 2012?

There has been a lot of talk about the date December 21, 2012 lately, all centering on the inherent end of the world as we know it. Television documentaries, the recent movie 2012, radio shows, numerous blogs, and a media buzzing with excitement have given some credence to the principles that a great cataclysmic event will occur at the end of 2012. With all the commotion, possibly we should survey this prediction as well. Is there is any validity to this claim, or is it just another doomsday scenario that will come and go with barely a whisper?

There are some people who claim that aged prophesies, writings, and modern day events are all pointing to a day of disaster that culminates in mass destruction and loss of life. Some quote the quatrains of Nostradamus, the apocalyptic scriptures of the Bible, and other aged writing as proof that a cataclysm is coming. More significantly, many people point to the incredibly exact aged Mayan calendar which ends suddenly on December 21, 2012, as evidence that the world will come to a sudden end.


This is not the first time the end of the world has been predicted. Since near the beginning of time, there have been predictions of a catastrophic world ending. It is likely that aged cavemen conception the end was near when they saw celestial phenomena like comets and solar eclipses. Certainly, some of the biblical prophets incredible a cataclysmic ending of the world, as well as seers in other aged cultures.

In more modern times, predictions of doom have abounded along with societal upheaval, wars and conquering armies. As Genghis Kahn's hordes overran eastern civilizations, some were sure the end was near. Napoleon was conception by some to be the anti-Christ who would usher in the end of the world. In the 20th century, many people conception that World War 2 was going to bring the end of civilization, and Nazi leader Adolph Hitler was the anti-Christ or worse. It didn't happen of course, but that hasn't stopped predictions of Armageddon from continuing to present day.

That said, it's true that just because something hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it won't happen in the future. There are many inherent threats that could wipe out the Earth, and they should not be dismissed. Events such as a comet collision with earth, a super volcanic explosion, gamma or cosmic ray bursts, a so-called galactic alignment, or even global warming could all spell doom for the earth. However, how do we know that just because the Mayan calendar ends at in 2012 that the earth will end on that date as well? Some skeptics say this is pure reckon without any basis in fact.

In conclusion, it's probably a safe bet that no one literally knows for sure when the end will occur unless they have the omnipotence of God. And when it comes to God, we can look to the Bible, where Jesus, who claimed to be God's Son, said that no one knows the day or hour of the end except God the Father himself. If Jesus himself didn't know, then how can we know when the world will end? Rather than worrying about a distant event that may not happen, we would do best to live in the present, and do what we can to make ourselves and our world a best place.

The End of the World - Will it Happen in 2012?

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Friday, December 9, 2011

Telepathy Techniques

The extraordinary potential of telepathy is inside just about everyone. If you are seeing to learn a bit more about telepathy and Telepathy Techniques then you have come to the right place!

But first, a puny more about just what exactly telepathy is!


"Telepathy is a term that refers collectively to the reception and transmission of thoughts in the middle of minds that does not rely on sensory output in order for data to be exchanged." Or in layman's terms:) the potential to read minds and institute intuition straight through the power of your brain and not by hearing, seeing or feeling.

Just about every one of us at some time or another has enjoyed the opportunity of "reading someones mind" only to laugh it off as a fluke or just plain lucky however what you have for real experienced is a very raw version of telepathy. An unconscious display of just a watch of your brain and mind's power! fantasize what life would be like for you if you could for real harness the power of telepathy?!

Telepathy is a skill like any other that can be gained however it must be practiced. Your subconscious mind for real controls telepathy and it can be activated with the right telepathy techniques. By being able to for real combine on the someone you wish to telepathically describe with, your chances of mastering this skill improves. Binaural beats mp3 and isochronic tones can help you with this clear and disciplined focus - more on that later...

Here are a few telepathy techniques that you can try...

First of all, if you are just starting out or are a beginner then your early attempts should last no longer than 15 minutes or so. This skill can be exhausting and also frustrating so don't let early failures get on top of you and yield negative feelings and thoughts. Your mind Must stay clear and focused at all times when attempting telepathy.

There is something powerfully aiding in the middle of telepathy and sea water when it comes to opportunity up transportation channels. As often as you can, go for an ocean swim or have on hand some bottled sea water.

It is good to speak on the phone with a like minded friend, relative or colleague and institution on each other. Get yourselves into the right state and then take it in turns to visualize a number, image or place etc and the other tries to receive the image.

Imagine you are in a beautiful, peaceful and tranquil place. It can be anything you select so long as you are thoroughly comfortable and totally at ease with your surroundings. In your mind, walk nearby this area and allow imagery to come into your mind. Do not try to force it but naturally allow it to appear on its own. fantasize that the someone who you are trying to touch telepathically is in front of you. Remember as many of the details as you can and pay close attentiveness to your feelings as these are the actual messages you are sending and receiving! Beginners to telepathy often consideration feelings advent from within their solar plexus.

Just like most meditation techniques, the power is in getting your brain and mind into the right state to be able to achieve these skills and abilities. The extraordinary power of brain entrainment using binaural beats mp3 and isochronic tones, allows you to put your brain in exactly the right frequency and state to achieve these abilities merely by listening to them!

Telepathy Enhancement rehabilitation creates a excellent mental state for telepathy where all distractions are blocked out, and the mind is elevated to an Alpha brain state. An Alpha state is commonly connected with higher thinking, spiritual epiphany, and sudden "Eureka" moments. Without the distractions of face affect and thought, these Alpha states will allow you to institute your psychic talents. It creates the excellent environment for you to train your mind.

Telepathy Techniques

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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Affordability and DoD Contracts

Affordability plays a huge role in the contracts the branch of Defense (DoD) signs for discrete projects. This DoD acquisition process is now regulated by new laws that were enacted by the government recently. Defense Secretary's 1 billion "efficiency initiative" was created in order to ensure that the branch of Defense makes as many savings as it maybe can in the arrival years, in line with the spending cuts that the whole country is trying to push through. Every troops assistance has now been required to find billion of savings in 2012, billion in 2013, and billion by 2014. The list goes on, until 2016 when billion of savings should be achieved by the United States troops and its discrete branches. These savings will fund troops pay and benefits as well as weapons acquisition programs.

The fact is that DoD acquisition contracts are now directly connected to how much money they can save. The country has created a deficit of approximately trillion and can no longer frivolously spend on defense contracts that the army sees fit to enact. Only money that is being saved can be spent. While Gates came up with a good savings plan, Ashton Carter, Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition, came up with supplementary contracting reforms to save the troops money.


The first principle Carter brought into law is that affordability is as foremost as technical ability when it comes manufacture decisions about weapons programs, such as the Army Ground Combat Vehicles and the Air Force Long Range attack Missiles. Any programs that are not financially viable must be let go of and all programs must strictly comply with regulations that inhibit spending on new equipments and maintaining current ones.

Similarly, there are now portfolio ability reviews that will be conducted to ensure that any program that is redundant is let go. The Air Force's Multi-Platform Radar Technology Insertion program is one that is particularly at risk of being shut down for its huge costs and little effectiveness. The Army's Medium Extended Air Defense law is also being threatened, because shutting down these and a few other programs could save the army billions of dollars. They are finding to find programs that cost in the middle of to million each and do not rip holes in the United States Treasury's budget.

There are other policies as well, and these are merely two examples of how both the Defense Secretary and his undersecretary are striving to cut United States troops spending, especially in the DoD acquisition process, while still maintaining our status as the traditional army in the world.

Affordability and DoD Contracts

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Friday, December 2, 2011

Complement Fixation Test

There are three diagnostic methods used to identify viruses; the direct, the indirect and serological techniques. Complement fixation test is one of the serological tests used in virology to identify the nearnessy of definite antibodies or antigens. In this context, complements are proteins in series form within the patient's serum which act in response to an antibody antigen complex. In case the reaction takes place on a membrane, pores are produced causing damage to the cell.

• Commercially produced complements from guinea pig
• Patient's serum
• Red blood cells preferably from sheep


1. In complement fixation test, venous blood is collected from the inpatient and serum isolated.

2. It is natural for individuals to differ in the quantity of complement in serum. With the purpose of eliminating any negative effects these complements might have on the test results, the serum complements are supplanted with standardized complement proteins. The complements are destroyed straight through heating, but care is taken to preserve the antibodies. This can be achieved because complements are vulnerable to heat than antibodies. Thereafter, the standard complements area added into the serum.

3. Into the serum, the antigens of concern are added and the making ready incubated.

4. Red blood cells are added into the preparation

In complement fixation test, incubation is significant as it gives complements a duration to fix itself onto antibody antigen complex, that is, if it is present. If this happens, complements will not be available to act on the red blood cells and cause hemolysis. As a result, a obvious test is designated by the nearnessy of the red blood cells. The cells are observed at the bottom of the beaker. On the contrary, a negative complement fixation test is indicated by the lysis of the red blood cells. The red color of hemoglobin is observed as it spreads in the beaker due to lysis.

Testing for antigens:
It is a tasteless practice in serology to test for antibodies in complement fixation test. Nevertheless, it is feasible to test for antigens. In this case, the test serum is supplemented with antibodies which must be definite in nature. This induces the formation of complement.

Advantages and disadvantages:
The test is cheap as it does not call for high-priced equipments and reagents. Again, a large number of viral infections can be screened using complement fixation test. However, it should be noted that the test is labor laberious and oftentimes non specific.

Complement Fixation Test

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